Welcome to the Governors’ section of the Sholing Infant School website.
As Governors we work with the Head teacher and staff to ensure the best possible education for each and every child in the school. All children should feel happy and safe; this will enable them to reach their highest potential.
The Governing body has many legal responsibilities which include overseeing the budget, appointing staff, oversight of the curriculum, maintaining and developing the school premises and Safeguarding your children.
Governors are all members of the local community, who are unpaid, they give hours of their time voluntarily to support the work of Sholing Infants. Governors are appointed for a four-year term of office, with the Chair and Vice- Chair elected yearly. The Full Governing Body and sub-committees meet at least every half –term. We also have a Governors day once a term, when all the Governors visit the school.
Membership of the school governing body is as follows:
Chair of Governors: James Knight (co-opted)
Headteacher Governor: Lisa Houghton
Staff Governors: Jessica Rice, Vicki Holland, Trevor Steward
Parent Governors: Claire Mercier, Laura Eastman
Co-opted Governors: Mike Antrobus, Kate Clark
Clerk to the Governors: Gemma Duer
Governors can be contacted via the school office. Our Chair of Governors can be contacted at the following address:
Mr James Knight
c/o Clerk to the Governors
Sholing Infant School
Heath Road
SO19 2QF
The Chair of Governors can also be contacted by email.
Details about the governance of the Hamwic Education Trust can be found by following this link.