The Primary National Curriculum is taught to all our children in Year 1 and Year 2.
Our Reception children (Year R) follow the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
At Sholing Infant School the intention of our curriculum is to develop the knowledge that our children need to be successful learners, both now, and in the future. Our children will develop an awareness of how their learning in every subject builds on their prior learning as they apply what they have learned to a range of different contexts. Where possible the National Curriculum content will be taught within the context of our locality as we aim to develop our children’s sense of identity and place.
Our curriculum will provide the tools with which the children can develop lifelong learning characteristics; We aim to develop independent learners who enjoy opportunities to be curious, to explore, problem solve and be creative. Children will learn to be resilient in the face of difficulties; reflective in celebrating their successes and not afraid to make mistakes and build upon them. Children will develop confidence to question and try new things and will be aspirational about where their learning could take them both within school and beyond.
At Sholing Infant School we offer a broad and balanced curriculum in which subjects are explicitly taught but with links made between learning where appropriate. Our curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced to ensure that essential knowledge is acquired by all pupils. New knowledge builds upon prior learning and ensures that all children know and remember the essential (sticky or substantive knowledge) and disciplinary knowledge (skills) which are identified as end points in every subject. Our agreed teaching sequence ensures that all children have the opportunity to retrieve and revisit prior learning and then use this as the basis for new learning thus embedding this knowledge. Through this sequence teachers are able to assess what children know and remember in each session - they are then able to ensure that any gaps are addressed before moving into new learning. New learning is taught in small steps to ensure that children are not overloaded and are able to remember and apply what they have been taught previously.
Our curriculum aims to inspire and engage children. We believe that children do not learn in isolation so it is vital that all of their learning is done within a meaningful context that gives a reason and purpose for their learning. Our starting points are always those things that ar familiar to the children, which may include local contexts context, such as exploring the history of the Titanic in Southampton. Learning is enhanced through the use of real artefacts, resources, visits and visitors.
We take pride in providing a highly inclusive environment, where learners demonstrate high levels of engagement and make strong progress in all subjects and areas of learning. Staff have high expectations for all pupils and where necessary teaching is adapted to ensure that all children have access to the curriculum and acquire the taught knowledge. Within our teaching sequence there are planned opportunities for knowledge to be deepened, so all children can apply their learning across subjects.
Effective implementation of our ambitious curriculum is achieved through a consistently applied teaching sequence, expert subject leadership and high quality teaching which is a result of ongoing, impactful CPD.
We review the impact of the implementation of our curriculum through both formative and summative assessment of what pupils know and remember. This is integral to our teaching sequence as teachers check children's knowledge throughout every session as well as ensuring that all children have acquired identified end points through summative assessments. This enables teachers to check learners’ understanding systematically, identify misconceptions accurately and provide clear, direct feedback and fill any gaps in knowledge. Ongoing monitoring by subject leaders through dedicated release time demonstrates that pupils make strong progress throughout their time at our school.
School leaders ensure that teachers are supported in implementing and monitoring the curriculum effectively by:
Accessing support within HET to enable subject leaders to develop their own subject specific knowledge.
Providing them with dedicated time to deliver whole school CPD to develop teachers' subject and pedagogical knowledge to enhance the curriculum and their effective use of assessment
Giving subject leaders regular non-contact time to monitor the implementation and impact of their subject curriculum. Where needed (for example with inexperienced teachers) mentoring and coaching is used to rapidly to give any support that is needed to build expertise.
Using our curriculum leader to support teachers' planning and delivery of the curriculum - focussing particularly on new leaders.
In the EYFS, we provide children with a safe and stimulating environment where everyone can thrive and flourish. By following guidance set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (DfE 2021) and Development Matters (DfE 2023), we offer exciting, enriching and educational opportunities within our environment, underpinned by the four themes of the EYFS-
A Unique Child + Positive Relationships + Enabling Environments = Learning Development
The Early Years curriculum is divided into seven areas of learning; three Prime Areas and four Specific Areas all of which are taught within the context of effective teaching and learning which allow the children to play and explore, engage in active learning and create and think critically. These areas are as follows-
Prime areas- Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development
Specific areas- Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World
Our ambitious curriculum working across all of these areas is designed to foster a love of learning for all children, building on what they already know and their earlier pre-school experiences, and equipping them with the new knowledge and skills that they will need as they transition into KS1 and beyond. Through our curriculum, we aspire to develop the individual qualities of all pupils whatever their gender, race, or belief, building on what they know and can do, and work hard to ensure that all pupils feel confident, secure, safe, valued and special. With a high emphasis on developing children’s vocabulary through direct teaching, stories, rhymes and songs, we aim for pupils to develop a lifelong love of reading, as well as broadening their rich and varied vocabulary. Through our delivery of the EYFS Curriculum we develop learners who are active, creative and ready to begin their next stage of education equipped with the skills to be successful.
As a school we develop early reading through following the Little Wandle phonics programme. To develop our children’s confidence and enjoyment of reading we teach daily reading lessons that enable them to practise and apply their phonic knowledge, word reading and prosody skills to a range of age-appropriate books. These will be matched to each child’s individual phonic knowledge. High-quality texts are available to all children in their classrooms to support and enhance their learning and love of reading. Teachers read frequently to the children using selected texts from our reading spine. Our well stocked library also gives families access to a range of books that they can read at school and home.
The starting point for each writing journey is a high quality text or video. Through the children's study of the text or video they will learn new reading and writing skills. These skills will then be practised and rehearsed and finally applied in an independent piece of writing. This learning is developed through progressive three week units which take into account the children's previous knowledge.
Children are taught maths through an I-do-you-do approach. The knowledge taught in each year group builds on their learning from the previous year. This knowledge is then rehearsed so that the children can improve their fluency in applying and using it. Our mastery curriculum enables children to develop their reasoning, investigative and problem-solving skills.
Foundation Subjects (excluding PE, PSHE and RE) are taught through half-termly units which give the children meaningful contexts for their learning. Subject specific lessons ensure that disciplinary and substantive knowledge is taught discretely and also builds on previous learning, which is frequently revisited and revised.
Our teaching sequence provides pupils with opportunities to be curious, to ask questions, to explore, to collaborate in their learning and to be actively engaged in their learning, both inside and outside the classroom. Children's knowledge and vocabulary is further enhanced with memorable experiences, in addition to diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn.
The children’s own community, both local and wider is used to support understanding in every unit, sometimes as a starting point for engaging interest and introducing real examples of key vocabulary and concepts or within a unit to contextualise and embed what has been learnt.
At Sholing Infant School, our high quality physical education curriculum inspires all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport. We aim to have a child-centered approach that gives every child the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, sport and life. We aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their personal best. We listen to our children's wants and needs and provide them with a range of active experiences and extra-curricular clubs.
When delivering PE, we ensure all children are engaged whilst developing their fundamental skills of agility, balance and coordination. Our lessons are taught by inspired teachers who challenge and support every child in every lesson, whether this be PE, yoga, gymnastics or dance. We want to aid our children in obtaining the values and skills to celebrate and respect the success of others, as well as modestly celebrating their own successes within lessons, after school clubs and competitions.
The use of assessment, questionnaires, surveys (staff) and pupil conferences the quality of lessons and the confidence in the teaching of PE improves and as a result the enjoyment and positive outcomes increases.
We educate both our children and families to develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and make healthy choices throughout the curriculum and offer lots of opportunities throughout the year to explore this further. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy minds, as well as bodies and will continue to support our children's well-being.
When children leave Sholing Infant School, they are confident in mastering basic movements, applying these in a range of different activities and can work collaboratively in small groups.
A varied timetable for extra-curricular activities is offered by the school, including those which develop specialist skills, such as dance, whilst also extending the range of children’s experiences.
A primary focus of our curriculum is to raise aspirations, engender a sense of personal pride in achievement, and provide a purpose and relevance for learning. Disadvantaged pupils are supported to benefit from access to the full range of extra-curricular opportunities offered by the school, through effective use of PPG funding.
Music and performance have a high profile in the school and the school employs a specialist music teacher. Music provision includes violin and drumming lessons in Year 2, the school choir participate in both school and local events, all of which prepares pupils well for the inter music opportunities on offer to all pupils in KS2.
The impact of our curriculum is seen in:
High standards: consistently performing at above national averages
Strong progress across all year groups and subjects as evidenced in consistently high quality books (including SEND)
The voice of our pupils who demonstrate that they know and remember more through regular pupil conferencing by subject leaders.
High-quality teaching by teachers with expert subject knowledge who systematically check pupils' knowledge, address any misunderstandings, fill gaps in knowledge and adapt their teaching as needed.
Learners who are resilient, reflective, curious, independent and creative.
Aspirational learners who have a thirst for learning and are self motivated and sustaining.
Individuals who value and respect one another and demonstrate our learning values in action.
The curriculum is regularly reviewed, developed, monitored and evaluated by the Headteacher, School Leadership Team, HET and governors, leading to improvements and innovation as part of the school's ongoing improvement and evaluation processes.
Robust subject leader monitoring ensures a continuous cycle of improvement through effective CPD which develops the teachers' subject and pedagogical knowledge.
Assessment is both formative and summative and progress and attainment are regularly tracked.
Please read our Equalities Policy and Disability Access Policy for further information about how our curriculum complies with the Equality Act (2010) and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations (2014).
If you would like to find out more about the curriculum at our school then please contact us.